Ohromný Malý žralok
In December 2023, my debut children’s picture book Ohromný Malý žralok, which I co-authored with Katarina Roohizadegan and illustrated, was published and distributed in major bookstores including Martinus and Panta Rhei across Slovakia, Czechia, and Poland. Ohromný Malý žralok follows a great white shark who is on the hunt for friendship in Australia's mesmerising coral reefs. But will any sea creature have the courage to look beneath the surface and see beyond his appearance? Ohromný Malý žralok is a colourful reminder of the importance of finding one’s voice, building self-worth, and achieving a sense of belonging against all odds.
Dive into the creation of Ohromný Malý žralok
As ocean swimmers, Katarina and I have always shared a profound passion, respect, and fascination for the marine environment. The idea for Ohromný Malý žralok came to us during one of our swims, when Katarina suggested that we delve into the many meanings of the word ‘greatness’ by writing a story depicting a great white shark in an unconventional light. From that moment, our mother–daughter writing collaboration began.
While sitting in the sand or on the pier, we composed numerous drafts in a notebook. I simultaneously began bringing the sea creatures to life through sketches, and drew upon my background in creative writing and editing to finalise the manuscript. Over a number of months, I completed the illustrations using water-mixable oil paints on board. Each illustration captures the beauty of Australia’s marine ecosystem in rich detail, providing a deeper layer to the words that accompany it.
We would like to thank a number of people for their valuable contribution to the book’s publication, namely Ashley Roohizadegan, Peter Fialek, Martin Úradníček, Benjamín Šimko, and Andrej Brummer. Katarina and I were overjoyed by the warm reception the book received from young readers and adults alike, and we are so thrilled to have played a role in spreading awareness of Australia’s underwater wonderland.
Páči sa
Super knižočka pre deti. Detom sa pacila, boli tam pekne obrazky, mily styl pisania, chytilo za srdiecko. Privital by som viacej stran, utla knizocka, rychlo sa precita, ale detom ostane, mozu citat, prezerat viackrat. Odporúčam vsetkym.
- JL
Krásna knižočka
Útla knižka, ktorá prináša deťom aj ich rodičom veľké posolstvo o tom, že vďaka odvahe riskovať, priateľstvu a zomknutiu sa voči zlu môžme získať prevahu nad hrubou silou a zastrašovaním.
- Katarina Kusá
Keby tak v tejto dobe prišiel “Malý žralok“ medzi nás na Slovensko a zabránil autokratívnej mocenskej necitlivosti, ktorú okolo nás v súčasnosti cítim. Toto som si pomyslel ja starec po prečítaní knižky. Ale knižka je hlavne určená pre deti, ktorým sa tiež páčila. Osobitne chválim kresbičky, je to také umelecké dielko. Super, chválim.
- Miloš